achille is currently undergoing a full rewrite, that you can keep track of on github. I just figured out the last missing bits needed to make it truly easy to use, and way more powerful. Stay tuned!

The following page is largely outdated, as the syntax and internals will change. Recipe m a is no longer a monad, and this is crucial. You can safely ignore anything on this page.


So far we haven’t talked about caching and incremental builds. Rest assured: achille produces generators with robust incremental builds for free. To understand how this is done, we can simply look at the definition of Recipe m a b:

-- the cache is simply a lazy bytestring
type Cache = ByteString

newtype Recipe m a b = Recipe (Context a -> m (b, Cache))

In other words, when a recipe is run, it is provided a context containing the input value, a current cache local to the recipe, and some more information. The IO action is executed, and we update the local cache with the new cache returned by the recipe. We say local because of how composition of recipes is handled internally. When the composition of two recipes (made with >>= or >>) is being run, we retrieve two bytestrings from the local cache and feed them as local cache to both recipes respectively. Then we gather the two updated caches, join them and make it the new cache of the composition.

This way, a recipe is guaranteed to receive the same local cache it returned during the last run, untouched by other recipes. And every recipe is free to dispose of this local cache however it wants.

As a friend noted, achille is “just a library for composing memoized computations”.

High-level interface

Because we do not want the user to carry the burden of updating the cache manually, achille comes with many utilies for common operations, managing the cache for us under the hood. Here is an exemple highlighting how we keep fine-grained control over the cache at all times, while never having to manipulate it directly.

Say you want to run a recipe for every file maching a glob pattern, but do not care about the output of the recipe. A typical exemple would be to copy every static asset of your site to the output directory. achille provides the match_ function for this very purpose:

match_ :: Glob.Pattern -> Recipe FilePath b -> Recipe a ()

We would use it in this way:

copyAssets :: Recipe a ()
copyAssets = match_ "assets/*" copyFile

main :: IO ()
main = achille copyAssets

Under the hood, match_ p r will cache every filepath for which the recipe was run. During the next run, for every filepath matching the pattern, match_ p r will lookup the path in its cache. If it is found and hasn’t been modified since, then we do nothing for this path. Otherwise, the task is run and the filepath added to the cache.

Now assume we do care about the output of the recipe we want to run on every filepath. For example if we compile every blogpost, we want to retrieve each blogpost’s title and the filepath of the compiled .html file. In that case, we can use the built-in match function:

match :: Binary b
      => Glob.Pattern -> Recipe FilePath b -> Recipe a [b]

Notice the difference here: we expect the type of the recipe output b to have an instance of Binary, so that we can encode it in the cache. Fortunately, many of the usual Haskell types have an instance available. Then we can do:

data PostMeta = PostMeta { title :: Text }
renderPost :: Text -> Text -> Text
renderIndex :: [(Text, FilePath)] -> Text

buildPost :: Recipe FilePath (Text, FilePath)
buildPost = do
  (PostMeta title, pandoc) <- compilePandocMeta
  renderPost title pdc & saveAs (-<.> "html")
    <&> (title,)

buildPost :: Recipe a [(Text, FilePath)]
buildPosts = match "posts/*.md" buildPost

buildIndex :: [(Text, FilePath)] -> Recipe 


The assertion “A recipe will always receive the same cache between two runs” can only violated in the two following situations:

No runtime failures

All the built-in cached recipes achille provides are implemented carefully so that they never fail in case of cache corruption. That is, in the eventuality of failing to retrieve the desired values from the cache, our recipes will automatically recompute the result from the input, ignoring the cache entirely. To make sure this is indeed what happens, every cached recipe in achille has been tested carefully (not yet really, but it is on the todo list).

This means the only failures possible are those related to poor content formatting from the user part: missing frontmatter fields, watching files that do not exist, etc. All of those are errors are gracefully reported to the user.


achille could very easily support parallelism for free, I just didn’t take the time to make it a reality.

Recursive recipes

It is very easy to define recursive recipes in achille. This allows us to traverse and build tree-like structures, such as wikis.

For example, given the following structure:

├── folder1
│   └──
└── folder2
    ├── folder21
    │   └──
    ├── folder22
    │   └──
    └── folder23
        ├── folder231
        │   └──
        ├── folder222
        │   └──
        └── folder233

We can generate a site with the same structure and in which each index page has links to its children:

renderIndex :: PageMeta -> [(PageMeta, FilePath)] -> Text -> Html

buildIndex :: Recipe IO a (PageMeta, FilePath)
buildIndex = do
    children <- walkDir

    matchFile "index.*" do
        (meta, text) <- compilePandoc
        renderIndex meta children text >>= save (-<.> "html")
        return $ (meta,) <$> getInput

walkDir :: Recipe IO a [(PageMeta, FilePath)]
walkDir = matchDir "*/" buildIndex

main :: IO ()
main = achille buildIndex

Forcing the regeneration of output

Currently, achille doesn’t track what files a recipe produces in the output dir. This means you cannot ask for things like “Please rebuild output/index.html”.

That’s because we make the assumption that the output dir is untouched between builds. The only reason I can think of for wanting to rebuild a specific page is if the template used to generate it has changed. But in that case, the template is just another input. So you can treat it as such by putting it in your content directory and doing the following:

import Templates.Index (renderIndex)

buildIndex :: Task IO ()
buildIndex = 
    watchFile "Templates/Index.hs" $ match_ "index.*" do
        compilePandoc <&> renderIndex >>= write "index.html"

This way, achille will automatically rebuild your index if the template has changed!

While writing these lines, I realized it would be very easy for achille to know which recipe produced which output file, so I might just add that. Still, it would still require you to ask for an output file to be rebuilt if a template has changed. With the above pattern, it is handled automatically!